The Salvation Army
Annual Thanksgiving Dinner
When: Thursday, November 23, 2023. Doors open at 9:30 a.m., with entertainment provided.
Where: Phoenix Convention Center in Downtown Phoenix, located at 100 N. 3rd St., in the South Building (southeast corner of E. Washington St. and 3rd St.). Volunteers will be on hand to guide guests to the entrances.
What: We are excited to again offer our traditional sit-down community meal at tables with all the trimmings and fixings!
Meal service will be open from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
There will be no drive through option this year.
​Who: This event is open to the public and for people of all ages. No advance signup or registration is required. Come enjoy fellowship, food and fun!
Safety: The event will follow all recommended federal, state and local health safety guidelines.
Cost: FREE! Dinner is compliments of The Salvation Army and our valued community partners.
Parking: Please keep in mind that parking meters and most parking garages/lots are NOT free on Thanksgiving Day in downtown Phoenix. The East Garage, on the corner of E. Jefferson St. and S. 5th St., and the garage at the corner of E. Washington St. and S. 7th St. (enter from E. Washington St.) are both available for free parking for this event only.
Volunteers: Volunteers are needed to help in a variety of ways to make this Thanksgiving memorable for many. We need help with cooking, packing, and plating meals; decorating, setup, cleanup, greeting guests, security, serving the meal to guests, delivering meals to the homebound, and more. Visit volunteer.usawest.org to sign up today!
You're Invited!
Together, we will help ensure no one in the Valley goes hungry on Thanksgiving!​